Benno Rawlinson

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Inspiring Others With Adventurer Dave Cornthwaite

Continuing a theme from the New Year (I know it is now some time ago) of finding out about the stories of some inspiring people I finally got round to sorting out the next person. Recently I have been following the progress of a couple of expeditions and journeys including one by Adventurer Dave Cornthwaite. I first heard about him a while back partly due to his different take on travel and expeditions with the “1000mile Project” which is to complete 25 separate journeys on different non-motorised forms of transport.  To find out more check his website out:

He recently completed his 6th journey cycling Paul Everitts bike car called Priscilla from Vicksburg Mississippi to Miami. He has had to overcome adversity along the way but as he will describe this one was to bring its own unique challenges including a car crash. So I thought it would be great to get a few quick thoughts on it and adventuring.

How would you describe yourself in one sentence?

I do things. It's that simple!

How did you decide to take on this life changing route and why 25 challenges?

Once upon a time I had a well-paid job as a graphic designer, my own house, cat, long-term partner, and depression! I decided at the age of 25 that I had to start making a living doing something I was passionate about, so decided to travel with a purpose. Expedition1000 and its 25 journeys give me a long-term focus that keeps my motivation on track and ensures I have enough variety and scope to keep doing what I love without getting bored or trapped.

You have recently finished your 6th 1000 mile journey what was the most challenging part of the trip?

Without doubt peddling a 2 metre-wide 4-wheeled Bikecar at the same time as sharing the road with other vehicles made this the most challenging and dangerous expedition I've done to date. More than ever I'm in touch with my own mortality now.

What will you always remember from it?

In between the craziness of keeping moving and dodging cars, now and then there were beautifully peaceful moments, like riding a 40-mile bicycle path and chilling out with this tortoise or swimming with Manatees in Crystal River.

Whats the next challenge on the Horizon?

In August and September I'm swimming 1000 miles down the Lower Missouri River, USA.

Can people get involved?

I have now selected a team to join me on this adventure, and I'll have a documentary crew following along. We'll be creating an interactive, fun and informative social media campaign around the journey so people can follow on Twitter (@DaveCorn), Facebook (Expedition1000) or Youtube (davecornthwaite)

What or who inspires you to keep going?

I do what I love day in day out. Beat that for motivation. Work and life are intertwined...

Any advice for the wannabe adventurer?

Stop talking, stop making excuses, just do it. The next one will be easier to start. And then the next. And so on.

What do you do when you have rest time?

I honestly don't rest much at all. I'll go and spend time with friends, have a meal, have a drink, but somewhere in there my mind is still whirring with things I need to work on and new projects to go for.

Favourite food?

Passion Fruit. Eggs. Meat. Nutella. Not all on the same plate.

Favourite music?

I have a super eclectic taste. From Counting Crows to Shawn Mullins to Jessie J, I need about 10,000 songs on my iPod to combat 1000's of miles!

Check out what Dave is up to below: